Keiichi Yoshimoto, Director, Distinguished Professor, received Chairperson Prize by "the 66th National Convention of vocational guidance and Career education study".

"The 66th National Convention of vocational guidance and Career education study" organized by Japan Society for Study of Career Guidance (JSSCG) was held at the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center from 27th to 28th July 2017.
The main purpose of convention is to improve and enhance national career education with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the new course of study. Keiichi Yoshimoto, Director, Distinguished Professor, received Chairperson Prize in this convention.
※Know more information about Japan Society for Study of Career Guidance(JSSCG), please click the URL

KYUSHU UNIVERSITYResearch centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications

2015 © Research centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications