Speech by Director of Research centre

Keiichi Yoshimoto

Today, higher education especially tertiary education in universities, junior colleges, professional training colleges and colleges of technology plays a central role in the transition from school to work of young people.

In the future knowledge-based society, expanding lifelong career development and learning opportunities are desired. Therefore, tertiary education institutions need to make sure their mission through the dialogues with social stakeholders from regions, industrial sector and occupation and develop their curriculums.

To improve educational programmes with the occupational relevance focusing on learning outcomes, use of active learning such as internship and Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) has been attracting attention. What needs to establish the social recognition of the vocational education in tertiary education? To better understand this issue, this research centre will push forward international comparative study of the vocational qualifications framework regarding learning outcomes and research the functional differentiation of tertiary education.

In this website, latest activities and achievements of our research centre will be updated. We would like to promote exchanges with many people interested in this theme and look forward to you actively using this website. Thank you.

August 2014
Keiichi Yoshimoto, Director of Research Centre
(Distinguished Professor, Kyushu University,)

KYUSHU UNIVERSITYResearch centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications

2015 © Research centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications