Research section for Functional differentiation and Quality Assurance

Hidefumi Shida

Hidefumi Shida
Organization Faculty of Human-Environment Studies,research in tertiary education Kyushu University.
Academic Background Obirin University postgraduate course university administration graduate course university administration speciality Master's course Completion (2012) .
The Hosei University graduate school public policy graduate course public policy study speciality The second-half course of a doctor Completion (2017) .
Work experience 2007-Diretor of Jikei group educational reform centre centre
2008-Jikei educational science laboratory, a researcher, and a management committee
2014 - Associate professor of Kyushu University.
Major tertiary educational theory, vocational education, professional training college education.
The main thema of research quality guarantee of professional training college
Research keyword Investigation of dropout of College, Graduate's investigation, Faculty development.

Research Activity I am interested in the theme "a nature guarantee of vocational education." Especially, I am researching about the attribute of the dropout of a vocational school, the dangerous factor, and a graduate's carrer path. I am tackling development of FD, in order to cope with the subject found from the research. In dropout investigation-of-professional training college , since the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act , I have been continuing literature and a field survey about the United States where the measure has been progressing with the national level, and have aimed at trying the suggestion about the dropout-of-college prevention measure in the vocational school in future.In graduate investigation, I am solving the actual condition from both sides of quantitative / qualitative investigation about ten years of graduates. Furthermore, about FD, I have aimed at lesson management, class management, curriculum, and development of an education system and evaluation of effectiveness.

Main Research Papers Hidefumi Shida 2017 "Research on Drop out Risk Factors and Academic Retention Measures at Professional Training Colleges" The Hosei University.

Hidefumi Shida 2014 "the comparison - United States of the Japan-U.S. Dropout investigation to a clue in a Dropout prevention centre investigation nationwide":synthesis human science study group "comprehensive human science" second, pp.131-148.

Hideshi Shida 2014"report - Society editing of the educational science of Jikei group "Education official journal of a scientific society of Jikei group "from American dropout prevention study -Dropout Risk Factors and Exemplary Programs A Technical report" Vol.11 pp.50-57.

Hideshi Shida 2011"strategic education support reform" "Dropout prevention strategy" Japan Dropout prevention research institute edition, published by NEWVERY, pp.229-244.

KYUSHU UNIVERSITYResearch centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications

2015 © Research centre for Tertiary Education and Qualifications